EAN Conference "21st Century Skills in Long- Term Care"

EAN Conference "21st Century Skills in Long- Term Care"

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Am 26. September 2024 und 27. September 2024 findet in Athen die EAN Conference "21st Century Skills in Long- Term Care" statt. Veranstalter des Kongresses sind: European Ageing Network (EAN), Metropolitan College und AKMI.

The congress aims to highlight the importance of the right quiver of skills for the elderly care workforce, as well as illustrate their role in the progress of elderly long term care sector. In addition, the conference will emphasize to issues such as the challenges encountered by both the labour market and the educational sector regarding the attractiveness of the profession of elderly caregiver, the development of the occupation and the importance of the human factor.

We cordially invite you to participate in the conference, where you will have the opportunity to engage in plenary sessions and parallel session led by esteemed international and Greek speakers. Join us in lively discussions about the future of skills in the field of elderly care and help establish the groundwork for innovative collaborations within the industry.

A Gala Dinner on 26th of September, and a Cultural activity outside Athens on 28th of September are going to complete the conference activities. These additional events not only facilitate extensive networking but also offer a chance for enjoyment in one of Greece’s most picturesque locations.

Your presence at the congress and additional events promises a unique blend of professional enrichment, networking, and cultural exploration. We look forward to welcoming you to this enriching experience.

Nähere Informationen zum Kongress und Anmeldemöglichkeiten finden Sie unter dem folgenden Link:


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